The Parent and Family Literacy Centres are amazing drop-in playgroups offered at different schools throughout Ottawa. These free programs offer fun, play-based activities within a school setting for parents, grandparents and caregivers with children birth to six years old. I loved attending the Cambridge Street Community School location with my children. There are dedicated baby areas with baby toys, while other areas with crafts and everyday includes a story time and snack. Most days the gym was also opened to let the kids run around and play with the balls and gym equipment. It was such a saviour for those long winter months, and a really great spot when you are dealing with a toddler and a baby. You can find the Parent and Family Literacy centres at the following locations:
The Children’s Village is located at 333 Churchill Ave North in Westboro Village. It is a lovely drop-in playgroup for children from birth to 5 years of age that operates from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am – 11:15 am. I have really enjoyed going here with both of my kids. The centre provides a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere where children can join in free play, daily crafts and song time, as well as a nutritious snack.
No registration required – doors close when maximum capacity is reached (which is 25 children.) Public: $3 per visit per family/group.
This drop-in playgroup is located at the Glebe Community Centre at 175 Third Avenue. The The Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group drop-in indoor playground is for ages 1 to 5 years old and runs Monday – Friday from 9:15 – 11:00 am. It costs $6 drop-in. Parents, caregivers and preschoolers are invited to participate to play indoors. Adults are responsible for supervising their own children and for set-up and take-down of all toys and equipment, and there are a lot of fun small cars and toys to play with. On Tuesdays and Thusdays, children and adults will enjoy extra activities like crafts, circle time, stories and music. Newborn siblings are welcome!
Mothercraft Ottawa is located at 475 Evered Ave and in addition to running a daycare, they offer great drop-in playgroups and support services for parents and children. The programs are all free for parents and caregivers of children aged 0 to 6 years old. Each day the playgroups and services offered are different – some in English, some in French, somedays in is just a postpartum support group for parents with babies up to 12 months. They also offer breastfeeding support groups. To check the up to date schedule visit their website online and download the pdf
Centrepointe Child Care Services offers free-of-charge drop-in playgroups at 75 Hemmingwood Way. The programs are for children ages 0-6 years old. The programs are run Monday through Saturday, with the occasional Sunday. The times differ from day to day, so you want to check out the full schedule on their website. Caregivers, parents and children can expect to enjoy crafts, dramatic play, puzzles, imagination toys, circle time and a kitchen area for snacks.
The Ottawa Parenting Resource Centre is located at 300 Goulburn Private in Sandy Hill. The Parent Resource Centre offers a range of drop-in playgroup times, some with and English program and others in French. They also divide up some drop-in times for caregivers only, parents only and other times which are open to all.
The programs include crafts, free play, circle time and you can also borrow toys and parent resource books from the lending library. Be sure to check their website for a full and up to date schedule.
Ottawa Public Libraries offer some wonderful drop-in programs. There are so many awesome story time and language based programs at the many different locations. You can search out the library nearest to you online to see what they offer and on what days. We have had some wonderful experiences with their toddler story time and crafts.
I have written about some of the great gymnastics drop-in playgroups before HERE on the blog, but let me refresh some of these playgroups and drop-in times where the kids can burn off some energy!
Toddler Games is located inside Archery Games at 1860 Bank St #3b, Ottawa. Toddler Games Ottawa is a non-profit organization that offers a drop in playgroup aimed at children from age 1 to 4 years old. The drop in promotes healthy active living by incorporating sports at an early age. The playgroup is located in a large, fenced-in and turf-lined arena. It is open Mondays and Tuesdays. Cost is $4 a child, with children 12 months and younger are free.
You’re never too young to volunteer. At least, that’s what I discovered when…
Everyone has different opinions on when we should turn our attention to, and start decorating…
Karen | 18th Sep 18
Free Drop In Programs are also offered at
Charlemagne Preschool Resource Centre
750 Charlemagne Blvd
9-11:30 Mon – Fri & 1:00-3:00 Tuesday & Thursday
Katimavik Preschool Resource Centre
180 Katimavik Rd
Mon 9-11
Tue 9-10:30 & 11-12:30
Wed 11-12:30 (9-10:30 OCTC closed group)
Thurs 9-10:30 & 11-12:30
Fri 9-11
Azadeh | 8th Oct 19
I live in Orleans and I have a toddler who is 2 years old!
I am looking for drop in playgroup near my home and unfortunately i couldn’t find it.
Please let me know about it.
Azadeh | 10th Oct 19
Hi Azadeh,
I know there is the Orleans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre that holds playgroups, I recommend looking them up first! There is also Starr Gymnastics drop ins (but they are not free).