There is nothing remotely normal about this “new normal” we are currently living. So many things have come to a complete standstill, currently on pause. However, birthdays keep coming no matter what. When it comes to our kids, they still carry hopes and expectations for celebrating their big day in some special way. As it just so happens, all three of my kids have already celebrated their birthdays during these past two months of isolation. It seemed like that warranted me dubbing myself an expert in throwing “quarantine-friendly birthdays”.
I’m joking. I’m no expert. But I love birthdays and I love celebrating my kids, so I have tried my best to make these days extra special for them even though it has meant having to cancel planned birthday parties with their friends. I thought I might share a little bit in case it gives you any ideas for your own kids.
My youngest, Ellie just turned one last week. Even though she’s too young to even know it was her birthday, it was still so important for me and for my older kids to mark this occasion in a memorable way. Our day felt like a true celebration right from the get-go with an awesome delivery from Confetti Events. Confetti Events is a wonderful, local business that will drop off party kits, cake toppers, balloon garlands, delicious cupcakes and more for your party. We got an amazing pink balloon garland, some donut themed birthday decor and a sparkly “one” cake topper for the triple layer funfetti cake I had baked the night before.
It was raining almost all day on Ellie’s birthday, so we found ways to have fun indoors with her. I blew up a dozen balloons and put them into her crib. I wasn’t sure what she would think of it, but she loved it! She played for 20 minutes jumping around with the balloons as my other two kids threw the balloons back in the crib. It was really cute.
The rest of Ellie’s first birthday (in between naps) was spent with dance parties, a few small gifts (I did a curbside pick-up with Indigo for some books and bath toys) and her first taste of cake! I think she had a pretty great day (as her big sis put it “I think this was Ellie’s best birthday ever!”). We certainly missed not being able to celebrate with our loved ones, but we had a socially distant gift drop off from Ellie’s best bud and some good FaceTime chats with family. I will say, it is important to try and limit the number of FaceTime chats on the actual day, or instead try to arrange a group virtual hangout, otherwise you can spend all day long answering the phone and trying to hold a screen up for relatives to chat (and that gets to be a bit much).
Rowan was our first birthday under isolation. On March 20, just a week after we all really started learning the meaning of “social distancing”, she turned five. We had to cancel her gymnastics birthday party and she had to take a rain check on the planned trip to the Disney Store to pick out an Elsa dress. But, instead, we started the morning with a “spa day”, where I gave her a manicure and pedicure. Then I put together a special high tea party. We all got dressed up and wore fascinators (this is right up Rowan’s alley). She even got to have a three way video call with her best bud and Rapunzel! Yes! The real-life princess Rapunzel! Rapunzel read the girls a story and led a super lovely chat. She was from Ottawa Princess Parties. Ottawa Princess Parties has been offering wonderful virtual meet ups with their different princesses. It’s a really wonderful idea if you have a kid who is crazy for princesses or a superhero too!
Rowan requested an ice cream cake for her birthday, and I made one of my own for her (ice cream cakes are super easy). But I know that various Dairy Queens, Baskin Robbins, The Merry Dairy and Carp Creamery are all offering pick up ice cream cakes during this time too!
My eldest Lucas celebrated his birthday just a week after Rowan. Again, we had to cancel his Nerf Gun Battle Birthday Party with his friends. Instead, we tried to have a nerf gun fight here at home with just our family. I also got Luke stocked up with a number of new novels. His favourite thing in the world is to read, so he got lots of time to curl up and enjoy his new books.
There was still snow outside at this time, so we had the idea of having an indoor camping night to celebrate his birthday. Sleeping bags and a teepee were set up indoors, complete with lanterns and a spooky story before bed – he thought it was amazing! Now that the weather has warmed up, you could probably even camp in your backyard.
Both of my kids were lucky to receive a few homemade cards and gifts left by some of their buddies on our doorstep. Even the smallest gesture went such a long way to helping make these truly memorable birthdays. I know that drive-by birthday parades and shout-outs have been very popular during this time, and I think that is an amazing thing to organize to make someone feel special too.
In all, celebrating these covid-time birthdays has actually been a great reminder that children don’t need too much to have a great day. In fact, Lucas and Rowan both went out of their way to express just how great these birthdays were. Just spending the time and making them feel special through small efforts highlighting the things they love is what they really want. Even an act as simple as sitting down and playing your kid’s favourite board game with them all afternoon can go a long way.